How to Register for Classes
Registration for Spring 2025 opens Wednesday, November 6.
Preparing for Registration
- Log into BannerWeb-Student using your username and password
- Click on Register for Classes from the Student Landing Page
- Navigate to the Registration landing page
- Click on Prepare for Registration
- Select a Term from the drop-down menu
- Click Continue
- Check to see if you have any holds on your account. Rectify those holds that will
not allow you to register before it is your day to enter your classes
- Note:There are some holds that you will see that do not affect your ability to register for your classes. Always clear the business office hold and the hold from your advisor then try and register. If you are still unable to register then reach out to the office who has entered the hold.
- If you see a Title IX hold, please reach out to the Title IX Director and ask for the link to the mandatory training. Complete the training and then email the office and let them know you have completed the training so they can take the hold off of your account by emailing
- After reviewing the Prepare for Registration page, you can click the Home button to access the Registration landing page.
A Hold can be put on a student’s account by various departments for different reasons. Some of the most common causes of a hold being placed on a student’s account are:
- Registration Advising Hold - UG
- Office of Finance (Business Office) Hold
- Registrar Office Hold
- Title IX Training Hold
- Medical Records Missing Hold
- Student Life Hold
A hold can limit interactions within BannerWeb-Student. These holds can limit Enrollment Verification, Transcript Requests, Applying for Graduation, Registering for Classes, Reviewing Grades, and Accounts Receivable transactions.
It's easy to view if your account has a hold prior to registration. Follow the steps below to check if you have a hold. If you do have a hold, you will need to contact the appropriate department to have the hold released.
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Click on the Register for Classes tile from the Student Landing Page
- You will be presented with the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement
- Note: You will only be presented with the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement upon each term. After completing the agreement, it will not appear again until the following term. If you have already completed the agreement, the step below will not be presented.
- Review the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement
- Click Agree to acknowledge the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement
- Note: To continue, you must agree to the terms of the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement. If you do not agree, you will not be able to continue with registration.
- Enter your full name within the signature line (you can look at the top of the page and it will show you how your name is entered in Banner. Use that as a guide if you are having trouble signing the form)
- Enter your electronic signature
- Note: Your electronic signature will be your last name and last 4 digits of your Student ID.
- Confirm electronic signature
- Click Submit
- Upon successful submission, click OK to continue
- Once you have navigated to the Registration Landing Page, click Prepare for Registration
- Select a term from the drop down menu
- Click continue
- Within the Registration Status page you will be presented any potential holds and the limitations the hold impacts in BannerWeb-Student
- Once the hold has been released by the defined department it will remain as information only and not limit interactions within BannerWeb-Student (always check the hold date to see if the hold has already been released)
Please use the link for contact information to other offices at University of Dallas:
- Log into BannerWeb with username and password
- Click the Register for Classes tile from the Student Landing Page
- You will be presented with the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement
- Note: You will only be presented with the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement upon each term. After completing the agreement, it will not appear again until the following term. If you have already completed the agreement, the step below will not be presented.
- Review the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement
- Click Agree to acknowledge the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement
- Note: To continue, you must agree to the terms of the Student Financial Responsibilities Agreement. If you do not agree, you will not be able to continue with registration.
- Enter your full name within the signature line (you can look at the top of the page and it will show you how your name is entered in Banner. Use that as a guide if you are having trouble signing the form)
- Enter your electronic signature
- Note: Your electronic signature will be your last name and last 4 digits of your Student ID.
- Confirm electronic signature
- Click Submit
- Upon successful submission, click OK to continue to registration
The course catalog can be found in BannerWeb:
- Click on Browse Course Catalog
- From the drop-down menu Select a Term
- Click Continue to the next page to enter search criteria
- The basic course search criteria will be presented. You have the ability to search
by subject, course number, and keywords. You have the ability to use a combination
of search criteria to narrow down your search:
- Subject – When using Subject for the course search option, you will be presented a drop-down list of course subjects.
- Course Number – This allows you to search by course number. When searching by only course number your search results will bring back all courses that match the number.
- Keyword – Keyword search allows you to search by keywords in the course title.
- Advanced Search – Advanced Search allows you to narrow down your search results with more criteria.
- Once you have determined your search criteria click Search
- The next page will have the search results
- Course Title Link – When clicking the Course Title Link you will be presented with course details related to the course
- View Sections – You can view course sections for the selected term where registration is open
- Items per Page – This allows you to view more or less items within the viewing pane
- Columns – This allows you to personalize the results and viewing of the courses. You can have all columns available, or select which columns you would like to be present when viewing the Browse Courses results page
- Search Again – By clicking Search Again, you will be taken back to the Course Search Criteria Page
- After browsing the Course Catalog, you can click the Home button to access the Registration
landing page
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Navigate to the Registration landing page by clicking the Register for Classes tile
- Click on Browse Classes
- From the drop-down menu Select a Term
- Click Continue to the next page to enter search criteria
- The basic course search criteria will be presented. You have the ability to search
by subject, course number, and keywords. You have the ability to use a combination
of the following search criteria to narrow down your results:
- Subject – When using Subject for the course search option, you will be presented a drop-down list of course subjects.
- Course Number – This allows you to search by course number. When searching by only course number your search results will bring back all courses that match the number.
- Keyword – Keyword search allows you to search by keywords in the course title.
- Advanced Search – Advanced Search allows you to narrow down your search results with more criteria.
- Click Search to review related search results
- The results will be in a grid view with columns of Title, Subject Description, Course Number, Section Number, Hours, CRN (course reference number) Term, Instructor, Meeting Times and Location, Campus, Status, and Attributes
- After browsing available classes, you can click the Home button to access the Registration
landing page
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Navigate to the Registration landing page by clicking the Register for Classes tile
- Click on Register for Classes
- Using the drop-down list, select a Term that is Open for Registration and click Continue
- Click Continue to the next page to enter search criteria
- Enter search criteria to find courses you are looking for
- Select the course by clicking on the course title
- A pop-up window will open, where you can go to the Instructor/Meeting Times section
to view the meeting dates and times (if applicable)
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Navigate to the Registration landing page by clicking the Register for Classes tile
- Click on Register for Classes
- Using the drop-down list, select a Term that is Open for Registration and click Continue
- Click Continue to the next page to enter search criteria
- The basic course search criteria will be presented. You have the ability to search
by subject, course number, and keywords, with a combination of search criteria to
narrow down your search
- Subject – When using Subject for the course search option, you will be presented a drop-down list of course subjects.
- Course Number – This allows you to search by course number. When searching by only course number your search results will bring back all courses that match the number.
- Keyword – Keyword search allows you to search by keywords in the course title.
- Advanced Search – Advanced Search allows you to narrow down your search results with more criteria.
- Click Search to review the related search results
- Review the results and click Add when you have identified a class section that will
fit your schedule
- Note: when clicking Add, the class section will appear within the summary section as Pending registration. You must click Submit in the lower right-hand corner to fully register for the class. The field next to it when clicking submit, indicates the action you are about to take. For this example, the classes are pending a “registered” status.
- Once the class section has been added and pending registration, you can click search again to add another course
- After all classes have been added, you can view the tentative schedule in the schedule pane
- Click Submit to register for the selected classes for the term
- Note: All classes that were pending should now have a green Registered status and the schedule should no longer be grayed out. If the classes do not have a registered status, you are not enrolled in the course.
- After successful registration with no classes in pending status, you may view your
class schedule to the left
A CRN, or Course Reference Number, is the unique 5-digit number that is assigned to each course. This number is used when registering for each of your courses and can be found in the Schedule of Classes. The starting numbers within the CRN are configured based upon term structure. CRN numbers will change each semester.
1XXXX - Spring
4XXXX - Summer
7XXXX - Fall
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Navigate to the Registration landing page by clicking the Register for Classes tile
- Click on Register for Classes
- Using the drop-down list, select a Term that is Open for Registration
- Note: Undergraduate students must meet with their advisors prior to registering and have the Registration Advising Hold - UG hold taken off of their account by their Advisor which will then allow them to Register for Classes.
- Click on Registration and click Continue
- From the Register for Classes landing page click Enter CRN’s tab
- Note: Prior to using CRN’s to register, you should have looked up the CRN’s of each class.
- Enter the CRN within the first CRN field
- Click Add Another CRN
- Once all CRN’s for the term you are registering have been entered click Add to Summary
- Note: When clicking Add to Summary, the class section will appear within the summary section as Pending registration. The field next to it when clicking submit, indicates the action you are about to take. For this example, the classes are pending a “registered” status. You must click Submit in the lower right-hand corner to fully register for the class.
- Click Submit to register for the classes
- Note: Upon successful registration the Summary pane will have updated status of Registered.
- After successful registration and no classes are in pending status you may view your
class schedule to the left in the calendar view
Duplicate Course – This error message means you are already successfully registered for another a section/meeting time of the same course or you have already successfully completed the course in a different term. You will need to remove the duplicate course before adding new sections.
College Restriction – This error message means that you have tried to register for a section that is only available to students admitted into a specific college/school (Braniff, College of Business).
Student Attribute Restriction – This error message means the class section is restricted to students with a specific student attribute (such as honors).
Program Restriction – This error message means the class section is restricted to students in a particular program. If you receive this message it means you are not associated with the program.
Cohort Restriction – A cohort restriction means that the class section is specifically for a cohort.
Class Restriction - This means that you have tried to register for a class that is only available to students in specific classes (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior).
Closed Section – This means that the section/meeting time is full. There is no space available in the section. You will need to search for another class section.
Co-requisite is Required - This error message means that the major requires another course or courses be taken during the same semester.
Degree Restriction – A degree restriction error means the class section is restricted to students in a particular degree.
Level Restriction – A level restriction error means that you have tried to register for a class that is only available to students with a specific level (Undergraduate, Graduate).
Major Restriction - A major restriction error means that you have tried to register for a class that is only available to students with specific majors.
Field of Study Restriction – Major departments place restrictions on some of sections of their courses. As a result, certain sections of a course are reserved for a particular major. Although the course may be required for your major, the section/meeting time you are trying to register for is reserved for students in another major. If you get this message you will need to search and register for another section that has no restrictions.
Prerequisite and Test Score Error – Major departments may place prerequisite or test scores on their sections. What this means is you need to successfully complete a lower level course or test prior to registering for this section.
Time conflict with CRN XXXXX – You are registered for another course that means at the same time as one you are now trying to add. You may not register for courses with conflicting times.
Time tickets prevent registration at this time – You cannot register at this time as outlined by the Registrar's office. Remember registration times are dependent on the number of credits you have completed with a final grade. Courses you are currently enrolled in do not count in the number of credits required to register in an earlier time slot. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the Registrar's office at
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Navigate to the Registration landing page by clicking the Register for Classes tile
- Navigate to the Registration landing page
- Click on Register for Classes
- Note: Undergraduate students must meet with their advisors prior to registering and have the Registration Advising Hold - UG hold taken off of their account by their Advisor which will then allow them to Register for Classes
- Using the drop-down list, select a Term that is Open for Registration and click Continue
- Enter search criteria for the class you are trying to register
- Click the class section tile to view more information about the class
- The Class Detail pop out will appear having more information about the class you are trying to register
- Review the following sections to identify any restrictions:
- Attributes
- Restrictions
- Co-requisites
- Prerequisites
- After reviewing click Close and add the class section if there are no restrictions impacting your registration
- Log into BannerWeb using your username and password
- Navigate to the Registration landing page by clicking the Register for Classes tile
- Click on Register for Classes
- Using the drop-down list, select a Term that is Open for Registration and click Continue
- Click Continue to the next page to enter search criteria
- Enter search criteria to find courses you are looking for
- Select the course by clicking on the course title
- A pop-up window will open, where you can go to the Catalog section, which will display
the available grade mode(s) for the course
University of Dallas' information systems are configured to limit dropping of all courses. In the event you are trying to drop a class during the registration process you inadvertently registered for and you have not registered for any other classes by hitting the submit button, you will need to add another class and then go back and drop the prior class.
This error message means that the class requires another course or courses to be taken during the same semester. This message usually shows up when you are trying to register for a class that has a lab associated with it like Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Math. You must enter both the class and lab at the same time in order to be able to register for the class. If you only need to to be enrolled in either the class or the lab and not both, please go to the Registrar’s Office for assistance.
General Information
If you have questions about registration, changing majors, grades, academic history, etc please contact the Office of the Registrar at:
Office of the Registrar
Cardinal Farrell Hall, Ste. 180
1845 E Northgate Dr
Irving, TX 75062
Phone: (972) 721-5221
Fax: (972) 721-5132
Office Hours
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday
BannerWeb utilizes single sign on. Each time the link is accessed a new Security Assertions Markup Language (SAML) token is generated. If you want to bookmark the BannerWeb link you will need to perform the following steps to successfully copy the URL for bookmarking:
Copy the following link address:
Go to Bookmarks within your web browser
Add new bookmark and name the bookmark
Paste the copied URL
Save the new bookmark
If you do not directly copy the link address from above, you may receive a message
stating “Authentication Error! Something went wrong during the authentication process. Please
try signing in again.”
Using your Mobile Device with BannerWeb-Student
There could be two reasons that you are receiving this error. The first reason is that you have timed out of the session you were previously logged into. BannerWeb has a timeout set at 120 minutes. After 120 minutes of inactivity you will be automatically signed out.
The second reason could be that you have an active session that is trying to use a different SAML token competing against the current login. Only one BannerWeb session should be logged into at once if you are on a mobile device. Please follow the steps below to assist with resolving the login issue.
- Exit out of all BannerWeb pages from your mobile device Note: you will need to exit/close the web browser before continuing to the following steps.
- Access the BannerWeb-Student link
- Log into BannerWeb-Student using your single sign on credentialsNote: If you do not know your single sign-on credentials review the "What is my username and password for BannerWeb" from the above FAQ.
- After successful sign in, you will be able to navigate the Student Landing page and access the links needed to complete your session
If you are unable to sign into Banner Web and receive an error message, try clearing your browsing history. Directions are below. When troubleshooting issues with any site, always exit your browser completely after clearing your cache before attempting to access the site again. In Windows, close all your browser windows; in Mac OS X, quit your browser.
On your computer, open Chrome
At the top right click on more (three vertical dots)
Click More tools > Clear browsing data
At the top, choose a time range. To delete everything, select All time
Next to “Cookies and other site data” and “Cached imaged and files”, check the boxes
Click Clear
On your computer, open Edge
Click the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the browser
Choose Settings
Under Clear Browsing Data click Choose What To Clear
Select the items you wish to clear (e.g., Browsing History, Cookies and Saves Website
Date, Cached Data and Files, Downloaded History and Form Data)
Click Clear
On your computer, open FireFox
Click the hamburger menu in the upper right corner of the browser
Click Preferences (Mac) or Options (PC)
Click Privacy in the left menu bar
Click Clear Your Recent History
From the Time range to clear: drop-down menu, select the desired range; to clear your
entire cache, select Everything
Click the down arrow next to "Details" to choose which elements of the history to
Select Browsing & Download History, Form & Search History, Cookies, Cache and Active
Click Clear Now
Internet Explorer
On your computer, open Internet Explorer
Click Tools, and select Delete Browsing History
Deselect Preserve Favorites website data, and select Temporary Internet files, Cookies,
and History
Click Delete
Mobile Safari for iOS (iPhone, iPod touch, iPad)
To clear cache and cookies:
From the home screen, Select Settings > Safari
At the bottom of Safari's settings screen, Select Clear cookies and data or Clear
Cookies and Clear Cache
Confirm when prompted
To clear history:
From the home screen, tap Safari
At the bottom of the screen, tap the Bookmarks icon
In the lower left, tap Clear
Tap Clear History
Personal Information
The following steps outline how to add new phone numbers within BannerWeb. Please note if your address, phone, and email address appear correct within BannerWeb you do not need to update the information.
Access BannerWeb-Student
Click on BannerWeb-Student
Log in using your single sign on credentialsYour username will be the first part of
your University Student email address before "@", and your password will be the same
as signing into a computer on campus. If you have not logged into a computer on campus
or have not changed your password, it will be your Student ID number.
Upon accessing the Student Dashboard click the Personal Information Tile
From the Personal Information page click add new to add a new cell phone number
From the Phone Type drop down menu select Cell
Enter Phone Number area code in the Area Code field
Enter the remaining of the phone number in the Phone Number Field
Click the Primary indicator
Click Add
Upon successful addition you will be redirected back to the Personal Information page
with a Saved Successfully notification with the Cell indicated as Primary
- Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
- Click the View Grades tile from the Student Landing Page
- Select a term to view grades for that term
- Select a student level to view grades for that termNote: Multiple levels will be presented if you have undergraduate and graduate records.
Institutional – Cumulative GPA of institutional course work for the selected student level
Transfer – Transfer GPA by the selected student level. Please note you may or may not have transferred courses from prior institutions
Overall – The overall GPA by the selected student level
When clicking on View Details next to Primary Curriculum you will be presented with program related details such as level (student level can be Undergraduate or Graduate), college, degree being sought, program, campus, admit term, and major/minor.Note: You may or may not have Secondary Curriculum associated with your student record for the term and student level.
Once grades have been viewed you are able to use the Home button to navigate back to the Registration landing page or sign-out of the page.Note: If there are multiple student levels throughout your student life cycle (i.e. undergraduate and graduate) then you will be able to select a term and student level.
Financial Aid
- Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
- Click the Financial Aid tile from the Student Landing Page
- Click the Award Offer tab
- Log into BannerWeb-Student with username and password
- Click the Financial Aid tile from the Student Landing Page
- Click the Financial Aid Documents button
- Select the requirement from the Select Requirement drop-down
- Click the paperclip icon and attach a .pdf or image file
- (Optional) Add a comment to the file in the Comments button
- Click the Upload Document(s) button to submit the document(s)
Different classifications of students register at 7:00am on different days. Look to Banner to see your classification, which is determined by the number of hours you have already earned and does not include the hours you are currently enrolled in.
Classification | Date |
Seniors ROTC students |
Wednesday, November 6 |
Juniors Pre-Theologians |
Friday, November 8 |
Sophomores |
Monday, November 11 |
Freshmen |
Wednesday, November 13 |
Students must meet with their academic advisors so they can assist with choosing the right courses. Your primary advisor is listed on your Banner profile. After this meeting, your advisor can remove your Advising Registration Hold.
If you have any questions about your advisor or need to change your major please contact the Registrar's Office immediately so they can make the necessary updates prior to the start of registration.
Note: ALT pins are only required for underclassmen (FR, SO, JR) who are in the ROTC program. You can contact your advisor or the Registrar's Office to receive your PIN.
Make sure to check your Banner account regularly to ensure that you have no holds. Most holds will prevent you from registering for classes.
All the information on academic programs and policies, including degree plans for
undergraduate majors, are in the University Bulletin ( )